About iCabbi UK
iCabbi UK, based in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, represents a team of dedicated professionals committed to delivering superior taxi dispatch solutions and unparalleled customer service. Our mission is to empower taxi businesses across the UK with cutting-edge technology and support.
Our Commitment to Quality and Support
Exceptional Customer Support
Our reputation is anchored in the exceptional support provided by our UK-based team. This commitment to customer service is a cornerstone of our success, ensuring that every iCabbi user experiences the highest level of care and assistance.
Market-Leading Taxi Dispatch Solutions
The iCabbi taxi dispatch system stands at the forefront of the industry, offering a robust, scalable solution that caters to the unique needs of taxi businesses. From small fleets to large operations, iCabbi is designed to enhance efficiency, improve driver and customer satisfaction and drive growth.
Serving Fleets of All Sizes
No matter the scale of your operation, iCabbi UK is here to support your journey. Our diverse customer base includes fleets of all sizes, from those just starting with a few vehicles to large companies managing hundreds of cars across various UK locations.
Tailored Solutions for Your Business
From Pen and Paper to Automated Efficiency
If you’re transitioning from traditional methods to a digital system, or if you’re considering a switch from another provider, iCabbi UK offers customised solutions to fit your business’s specific requirements. Our goal is to provide a seamless transition and ongoing support to ensure your success in the competitive taxi industry.
Request a free demonstration now to discover why iCabbi is the go-to choice for taxi businesses across the UK.
For more information call 01623 44 22 11 or email enquiries@icabbi.etgl.co.uk.
Exel Technology Group Limited are an exclusive reseller of iCabbi in the United Kingdom for taxi fleets of 1 to 50 cars.