Bookings are Climbing as iCabbi Goes from Strength to Strength… Book a Demo Contact Customer Support

Bookings are Climbing as iCabbi Goes from Strength to Strength…


With lockdown measures continuing to loosen across most of the country, businesses are reopening and people are finally getting out and about once again.

This has meant a steady increase in the bookings we’re seeing go through our iCabbi servers.

As you’ll see on the graph further on in this email, bookings are now up to 56% of the pre-pandemic average – that’s 14 consecutive weekly bookings increases.

iCabbi Goes from Strength to Strength – New Features, Full UK Support…

The last 4 months have been like no other for the taxi industry. Our industry has been on the front line, feeling the full effects of lockdown whilst still needing to deliver our essential service to those who rely on us.

We’re not out of the woods yet, but we think it’s worth reflecting on some of the positives and advantages that iCabbi customers are enjoying…

iCabbi Positive #1 – Passenger Bookings Continue to Grow

This graph created with data from iCabbi servers shows the growth in passenger bookings since the beginning of the pandemic, bookings are now up to 56% of pre-pandemic levels from a low of 20%…

% of Average Pre-COVID-19 Bookings


Positive #2 – Resilience

If ever the resilience of your dispatch system was going to be tested, it was during the last few months.

We take pride in the fact that we’ve been able to repay the trust iCabbi customers placed in us to keep their businesses in business – and their dispatch systems up and running 24/7.

iCabbi is hosted on the world-leading Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform for reliability, protection and reassurance, which has really paid off over recent months.


Positive #3 – 24/7 UK Support

iCabbi customers also trusted us to support them – 24/7, 365 days per year. Little did they know then that our commitment to deliver would be tested by a global pandemic.

We’re delighted that we’ve been able to support each and every one of them, their team, their drivers and customers without missing a beat.

We’ve been there for them every single minute of every day throughout this whole saga.

Our phone lines have been fully open and manned, with support staff available 24/7. All key iCabbi UK support staff stayed hard at work.

Positive #4 – Working From Any Location

We’ve always been very proud that iCabbi is 100% ‘in the cloud’, when other so-called cloud based dispatch systems still rely on some installed software.

We always thought this was great (of course), thinking of clients being able to run their business on their iPad while they were on holiday.

What the last few months have shown to us all is how crucial this key feature is as clients have been able to keep their businesses running with their staff working from anywhere with an Internet connection.

Advantage #5 – Great New Features from iCabbi

As well as maintaining full support, there has been a stream of new features and updates from iCabbi…

Here’s a summary of some of the updates we’ve released over recent months…
Enable Administrators to Search for Settings – find settings quicker and easier with new shortcuts. We’ve also extended the search feature to allow you to search drivers, vehicles, accounts and zones.

Improvement to Error Codes and Error Hashes – for fast and effective support whenever you encounter an issue.

Add Custom Fields to Receipts – display more information on customer receipts.

Reporting Improvements – improves reports by adding additional fields, including, Bookings Completed by Driver by Site, Driver Actions, Driver Dump Report and Vehicle Dump Report.

Street Jobs Assigned to Driver Primary Site – street bookings are now assigned to the driver’s primary site within reports.

Advantage #6 – Beautifully Positioned for the Future

As lockdown eases and bookings continue to grow, it’s crucial to look to the future.

With iCabbi, you are perfectly positioned to maximise the efficiency and profitability of your business.

iCabbi gives you a world-class passenger App and web booker at a time when people are doing more online and on their phones than ever before.

And being cloud-based means you and your staff can access your dispatch system anywhere and at any time. That gives you great options for new (and very profitable) ways of working, with flexible shift patterns and remote working.

Flexible shift patterns can save you a bundle of money, because you pay for staff only when you need them. Service levels improve and staff love the flexibility.

Positive #7 – We ARE doing it together!

We’ve done everything we can to support our clients during this crazy time, from keeping our support teams hard at work, to continuing to deliver new features and updates, and giving them substantial support.

But we want to acknowledge that it hasn’t been one way traffic, we are doing it together.

The messages of appreciation, support and thanks from our wonderful clients have kept all of us going at this time as well, especially from those that have switched to us from another provider.

Here are just a few of the many comments we’ve had from customers who have moved to iCabbi…

“Our old system jammed up every hour, it was never updated, the driver app never worked half the time and there was absolutely no support.

After seeing the iCabbi system in person, we decided to switch and after 2 days training, lots of adjustments on the system (even during lockdown) their support team have us up and running and working every time.

Their back up and support is second to none and the system is excellent.

I recommend iCabbi so much I even had another taxi company call me after reading my review on my previous provider’s website.

iCabbi is the best of the best.”
Mr P Sullivan, Charlbury Taxis

“Our previous software supplier fulfilled some of our basis requirements, but their customer support was non-existent and their web booker did not work to the level we required.

From day one iCabbi made us feel welcome and we were very impressed with their 2 day training course, which meant we swapped over onto iCabbi within a week of training.

With all taxi software there is a lot of programming to do. This is made a lot easier with the backup of iCabbi’s support team.

There hasn’t been a time when I have not been able to get hold of them and they always follow up with an email containing step-by-step instructions or a link to a video.

We are now at the point of launching a new website and look forward to promoting our web booker. We have also started linking our software with iCabbi’s partners which have already started to reap rewards.”
Mr N Finn, Simply Cabs

Here When You Need Us…

Once more, we’d like to take this opportunity to remind you that we are operating normally, with full support and back-up for all our services.

If you would like to get the same level of service, support and resilience that iCabbi customers have enjoyed for years, but never more than over the last few months, you can call us on 01623 44 22 11, email us, or contact us via our website.

Is it time you switched to iCabbi?

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